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Bread and freedom (13th Jan 23 at 1:36am UTC)
As a general rule, exports are not surplus, perhaps at first, but not now. As the saying goes, "Those who make shoes have no shoes to wear." That's nice. In the past, individual workers were like this, and now, the same is true of citizens. We exported the necessary items. We do this because workers cannot buy what they produce with their wages, and the price of each product includes the rent, land rent, profits and interest of capitalists and bankers. The ever-increasing human desire for happiness is not only unsatisfied, but the absolute necessities of life are often lacking. Therefore, the so-called "surplus" does not exist, at least not as explained by the theorists of economics. On another point -- all the economists tell us that there is a proven law that "man produces more than he consumes." He lived on what he had worked for, and had a surplus. Therefore, what a farmer produces is enough to supply the consumption of several families. In our opinion, this kind of repeated sentence has no meaning. This is true if it means that each generation has something to leave behind. For example, if a farmer plants a tree, the tree can continue to grow for thirty or forty years or even a hundred years, and his grandchildren can still take the fruit of the tree. For example,side impact beams, he cultivated a few acres of wasteland, which increased the legacy for future generations. Roads, bridges, canals, his house and his furniture are also great treasures for future generations. But that's not what they mean. They say the farmer produces more than he has to consume. In fact, they should say that the state often takes most of his (referring to the farmer) production as a tax, the priest also collects some annual tax from him, and the landlord demands rent from him,side impact door beams, thus creating a class; The people of this class used to consume what they produced themselves (except for a part reserved for unexpected disasters or for the cost of planting forests, building roads, etc.). But now they have to live a hard life, work to get by, and the rest of the produce is taken by the state, the priests, the landlords, the exploiters, and so on. We think it right, therefore, to say that agricultural and industrial labourers, etc., do not consume as much as they produce, for they are obliged to sell the greater part of the produce of their labour, Precision steel tubes ,Precision Welded pipes, and to be satisfied with the smaller part which remains. We know that if we take the needs of the individual as the starting point of our economics, we will certainly reach communism, that is, an organization that meets all needs in the most thorough and economical way. On the contrary, if we take the present method of production as the starting point and profit and surplus value as the purpose, without asking whether our production is suitable for meeting our needs, we will inevitably go down the road of capitalism, or at least on the road of collectivism, which are only two different forms of the present wage system. Indeed, when we examine the needs of the individual and of society, and the means by which these needs have been satisfied in the various stages of human development, we immediately feel the necessity of abolishing the present haphazard production and making our efforts organized. Everyone knows that the wealth handed down from generation to generation, which has not been consumed, is possessed by a few people and is of no benefit to the general population. And we know that by these means three quarters of the needs of society are unsatisfied, and that it is now evil and harmful to waste human energy in the manufacture of useless things. Moreover, we know that the most advantageous way of making use of any good is to satisfy the most urgent need first: in other words, the "use-value," as an article is called, does not consist in the mere fancy of which it was formerly described; it consists in its ability to satisfy a real need. Communism, in other words, is a comprehensive view of consumption, production, and exchange, and an organization in conjunction with this view, so that it is the result of the theory of such an understanding of things-in our view, only it is truly scientific.
A society which wants to satisfy all human needs, and which wants to know how production should be organized in order to achieve this purpose, must at the same time sweep away all prejudices about industry, and the first thing that should be swept away is the theory of division of labour, which is often propagated by economists, and which I will discuss in the next chapter. www-xiaoshuotxt-c o m Chapter 15 , novel _ t _ xt heaven Division of labor Economics has always described only the facts that occur in society, and has only rationalized them for the benefit of the dominant class. Therefore, it also supports the division of labor in industry. It thinks that the division of labor is beneficial to capitalists, so it regards the division of labor as a principle. Adam Smith, the founder of modern economics, said that if a blacksmith in the countryside was not familiar with making nails, even if he was very industrious, he could only make two or three hundred nails a day. However, if he did nothing else but specialized in making nails, it would be very easy for him to supply two thousand or three hundred a day. So Adam Smith came to a hasty conclusion: "Division of labor!"! Specially! Do it specially! We need only those blacksmiths who only know how to make nail heads or nail points. We can increase our production in this way. We will become richer. The blacksmith, who was destined to spend his life making nailheads, completely lost interest in his profession. Because of his limited skills, he had to obey his employer and be at his employer's disposal, and he was unemployed for four months of the year. And when his work can be replaced by an apprentice,beam impact tubes, his wages will be reduced. Adam Smith had not thought of these things at all, and cried, "Long live the division of labor!"! This is the real gold mine to increase the wealth of the country! 。 cbiesautomotive.com
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